When I was 18 and in college I met a man who stole my heart. He was kind and affectionate, handsome and hard working. But he also had a dark side. Something that ended up shaping me to be exactly who I was supposed to be. He had a drinking problem and when he would drink hard alcohol he would turn into a different human...
My cousin had a baby and I’m struggling with the fact that I’m not technically allowed to be called an Auntie… because he’s actually my third cousin… my Dad’s sisters, daughters, son. But…. fuck the rules right. Either way I LOVE this little man. I mean look at those smiles!!! And yes, he got out […]
Tonight is Pisces full moon. Full moons are peak periods. In February we had a NEW moon in Pisces. Think about what intentions you were setting for yourself then. Now look at how far you’ve come since! On this full moon, ask yourself about your visions. Who are you are your highest self? What do […]
Motherhood Motherhood is something I wish for every woman. To feel the power of creation and a love like no other. Growing as your own human while growing another life. Your physical and mental health are changing, for obvious reasons, that you have no control over. You may not know how you’re supposed to have […]
child worshipping sun serving moon dancer sea star mother lover natural pregnancy/post partum support medicine woman warrior/protector – mommamiastella When I was 18 I did a lot of acid.. I worked for a dancer service. I decided to run away from society with an Angel I found at the Ocean. When I was 20 […]
You will never have this day with your children again. Tomorrow, they will be a little older than they were today. This day is a gift. Just breathe, notice, study their faces and little feet. Pay attention. Relish the charms of the present. Enjoy today. It will be over before you know it. -anonymous Your […]
My name is Alisha Emslie and I am a yoga teacher, a student of plants and a student of birth. this is my period practice I just started yoni steaming more regularly, as I’ve gotten more comfortable with my plants and herbs. I usually steam the week before my period 2-3 times, it’s not recommended to steam while you are bleeding […]