The Blog

my why

When I was 18 and in college I met a man who stole my heart. He was kind and affectionate, handsome and hard working. But he also had a dark side. Something that ended up shaping me to be exactly who I was supposed to be. He had a drinking problem and when he would drink hard alcohol he would turn into a different human...

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Being a mother is a complex ball of constant emotion. Motherhood is two sides to the same coin, it’s realizing what complex individuals our mothers were at our age. Learning that even though they were our whole-wide-world they were still coming into their own. Learning this lesson through living it, through looking down into the […]


African Boheme

Who doesn’t want to cover themselves in glitter and lounge around….


Glitter Girls

In the in betweens of the early mornings filled with tired eyes , feeling already what seems to be fleeting moments of those tender sweet hours of snuggling my newborn and feeling every wave of emotion at the same time . My body still raw , still tired and that strange feeling of realizing my […]



Just the best humans. Enough said.


Cait, Spencer + Wave

When I was little my family went on a trip to Alberta. I was in a gift shop with my dad and I found this painting of a native woman sitting beside a river with a wolf cub. The reflection in the water was the cub, but her as a wolf instead of a woman. […]


Married to the Wild

My why. The reason I am an artist … I just got finished with a course called photo native in SB, California and during it they asked us what our why was. Why do we do what we do and to think of a photograph that moved us or inspired our path. At first I thought I […]


My Why

On January 9th, 2020 Poppy came earth side at 7lbs 2oz at home. Days leading up it had been grey and gloomy but the morning she arrived the sun was shinning in lighting up the walls of Joyce + Alexei’s home. Joyce laboured throughout the night but transitioned quickly. I was only 10 minutes away […]


The birth of Poppy

Mini Session Portraits in my new space!!! I’m now offering mini sessions in my new space in Kelowna on back drops! I have multiple colours and fabrics we can play around with. I’m going to shoot an analogue session on Wednesday. So excited for this new adventure!! 20 minutes of magic. Words from the client: […]


Paige + Poppy

I think i’ll let the photographs tell the story this time.



I met and photographed Michaela in June of 2019 when she was pregnant with Alaya. It’s almost surreal going through these images now to blog. Since this session I went back and stayed with them as a family in September. She made me baths with oils and put me to sleep with singing bowls. The […]


with child

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